If you didn't know already, our old friends in Manchester Orchestra have made another record and today, April 21st 2009 you can find it in record stores across the globe. As you might be able to tell from the image above it's called, Mean Everything to Nothing, and it features Anathallo's very own superstar singer Erica Froman (pictured below at her recent photoshoot for the cover of Time Magazine).

They are currently on tour coast to coast, catch them while you can. Dates here.

I should also point out that the aforementioned Manchester Orchestra tour also includes one of the first chances for many of you to see Andrew's new band Fun. They'll have a record coming out in the future with a single (from the image above) finding its way into your ears early next month. And just in case this slipped past your radar, Andrew released a collection of songs that started with his Columbus musical last December. Check it out.