
It's real

Get it here from anticon or here from amazon (although it's cheaper direct from anticon).
And in the UK here.


Europe - Mountains of Swizterland

This "tour" is starting to feel a little too much like "vacation"...

Europe - update 6


Europe - Italia

Two in one day! As you might be able to tell internet access has been scarce.

Europe - Randomness from France


Europe - locked out in Paris

Internet has been scarce the last few days, sorry.


Europe - day one

Day one included: Flying to Frankfurt, driving to Belgium, getting a flat tire (the first since the summer of 2004?), playing a festival, watching metal bands, eating meatballs, and wandering around Mons Belgium late at night looking for our place to stay.

Happy birthday to this guy.

(couldn't upload the video until now)