

Friends! Here's where we're at:

The record is mixed through six songs... we'll be jumping back in next Saturday and working up until Thanksgiving to knock out as much as we can. After we've had our fill of turkey and family (wait, that's impossible!), we'll be starting back the following Monday for another week at Engine. Mastering (i.e. the point of no return) is still scheduled for December 6th and after that we'll be left with:

(1) naming the record
(2) finding a home for the record
(3) selling Anathallo themed advent calendars
(4) spending the last of our Vicks money on fireworks to welcome in 2008
(5) convincing Magic Eye Inc to do our album art (the rest of the band doesn't know this yet)
(6) watching High School Musical on repeat while waiting for our springtime tours

Okay, so I get chills when Troy and Gabriella stare into each other's hearts. Who doesn't?

Finally: a very heartfelt thank you to the commenters from my previous post. All feels well again... both the cryptic and the understandable. Life is more settled and how it should be. I even have proof:

That's pretty much how I've spent my last two weeks. Me and a van and some boxes. It's a lot like touring except my bandmates have been replaced with inanimate objects. But look at that twinkle in my eye! I'm BACK!

Love to all.


Anonymous said...

I know the perfect home for your album! my CD player/ipod/somewhere i can listen to it!

and you are right, one can never get enough of food and family.

KB said...

welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Anathallo themed Advent calenders? Count me in.

Any chance of booking Columbus/Dayton stops on your spring tour. Just putting my dibs out there early :)

Shannon said...

It's true that you can't have too much turkey (tofurky in my case) or family.
Magic Eye eh? Sounds pretty sweet.
Hope you guys come to Providence again. The show with Brand New was amazing.

KB said...

p.s. it's not nice to replace friends with "boxes"

danny said...

most amazing picture ever

sean o'kane said...
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sean o'kane said...

the twinkle in your eye is great, but the smile looks a bit more along the lines of "i got a sweater for christmas? yay...."
in any case, welcome back!