That fine fellow to the far left is none other than your old friend and mine, Andrew Dost. As previously mentioned, Andrew joined forces with Nate Ruess (from The Format) and Jack Antonoff (from Steel Train), formed this new project, and called it fun. They're new record, Aim and Ignite, came out Tuesday and they're currently zigzagging all over the country on tour (including a few Michigan dates). Check it out!
Yup, really dig their album.
Not as much as Floating World or Canopy Glow, though. Obviously.
Yea - something "FUN" Sept. 20 Hot Lanta needs Fun....
Where have you gone?
Ummm... I wanna hear from you guys. Is this blog dead or what?
Hello? Anathallo? I'm listening to you right now, but I want to hear what you're up to soon!
I've been told by friends of the band that Anathallo is actually breaking up. Supposedly their last show as a band was played in Japan and it's all over now. I'd be curious to see someone from the band respond to this though.
please come back.... :(
wow was für ein toller blog und was für geniale fotos !
ich bin begeistert und werde dich sofort verfolgen :)
und dann wollte ich noch fragen ob du vielleicht list auf eine gastpost aktion hast ?
du schreibst einen post bei mir und ich einen bei dir ?
ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn du dich meldest :) oder mir ne mail schreibst:)
Yea - something "FUN"
i dont got the idea
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