What MJ, Danny, and I did last night
This video is just a small taste of the chicago 10th anniversary critical mass bike ride. For about two hours the streets were ours (ours meaning the thousands of bikers that showed) and it felt so good. I guess a woman stewing in her car tried to hit danny and he may have thrown his hands forcefully on her hood while making a human barrier between her and her destination. That act of bravery allowed the rest of us to smoothly cruise downtown (in both lanes) with a chorus of beeping horns, supportive cheering, and of course angry protests.
Photoshop madness
In celebration of the first day of mixing, I present to you possibly the creepiest images you'll see all month. Thanks to technology all your dreams can come true.

That last one is of Neil, he's the guy who is engineering and mixing our record. And no Jamie isn't supposed to be anyone famous (besides the Prophet Jam Jam).

That last one is of Neil, he's the guy who is engineering and mixing our record. And no Jamie isn't supposed to be anyone famous (besides the Prophet Jam Jam).

Here in Chicago, finding a place to rent can mean a fun few weeks of sitting on craigslist hitting refresh every 20 seconds. Who wants to get swindled with an overpriced apt. when you can live down the block for much less? James, Jer, Seth and I are fortunate to have a great place that is (REALLY) cheap, huge, and close to the lake. Last night we all chatted about what we should do when the record is released... will we be here enough to justify renting a place? I guess that depends on whether people even like the record, but still. If we move out, our place will be rented in a heartbeat and it's likely that - round two - we'll never again be handed such a jem from the lords of craigslist. Maybe we should move down to Pilsen...
Ok, now things are really getting complicated. This post won't make much sense or difference to those of you who don't call that toddling town your home. You might be wondering, what is Pilsen? Pilsen is a neighborhood which borders Cermak Ave. (2200 S.) to 16th ST and Canal St. (500 W.) to Western Ave. (2400 W.). For more than 150 years, the Pilsen neighborhood has been a port of entry for immigrants from the mid 1850s Bohemian (Czech) influx to the early 1950s Mexican beginings. However, as of late, the neighborhood has become home to a slew of artist-types due to its wide open spaces, abundance of old and large loft-style spaces, low cost, lack of annoying chain-stores, and relative annonymity. Even if you do live in the city and don't see your part in this whole thing, let us all take note of our call to civic virtue (I can hear my 12th grade government teacher squealing with delight right now). We're responsible with how our world developes.
Enter Podmajersky, the axis of East Pilsen developement. The write-up for tonight's opening (ad posted above) states the following:
In an unofficial collaboration with the 'Pisen East Artists Open House', the Plaines Project proudly presents the first annual "Podmajersky Show". For several decades the Podmajersky family (East Pilsens most powerful landlords and coordinators of the open house event) have largely been responsible for the social and economic changes that have occured in East Pilsen. Though there are many who praise the Podmajersky family for cultivating a community that is centered around the arts, the Podmajerskies have also been widely criticized for displacing the predominantly working class residents of the neighborhood by capitalizing off of real estate that is marketed exclusively to middle class artists. Currently operating under the slogan of "building Soho in Chicago", the Podmajerskies as a social force provoke many questions of the use (or abuse) of artists as catalysts of for such forms of urban development.
In this exhibition, The Plaines Project seeks to use the Podmajerskies as a point of departure for a broader investigation of gentrification as a phenomenon that is conditioned by global capitalism, and to pose challenging questions regarding what role artists, as a social category, tend to play in this process.
This exhibition includes solo and collaborative installations by Amanda Gutierrez, Andreas Warisz, Polvo Collective, and Soni-Gram, as well as a presentation from guest lecturer Laura Schmidt.
Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to attend due to this thing called mixing(???) whatever.

You-Me-Go friends, family, and guests (and those of you doing Erica Froman google searches.... SHHHHHHHH... I won't tell):
We are in the shiny land of new album recording limbo.
We have our record! It's been tracked! If you were to walk up to the pearly gates of Engine Studios, you could find a machine, hit play, and listen to the entire album start-to-finish. Monday was an exciting day.
(this religious analogy... seems terribly flawed... but onward!)
But that's not convenient. You'd eventually be kicked out of the studio and be told to wait outside (ahhh, there it is). And there you would stand - waiting - for three more weeks as we mix the record, transferring it from "weird machine in Studio A" to "all the sounds are in the right place and we feel comfortable putting this cd in your hands."
Our last day of recording was Tuesday, our first day of mixing is tomorrow. What did I do with today?

That's right. Television. Or to be more specific, legally hosted television programs found on the internet to be watched at my convenience! The problem - I am woefully out of my touch with my idiot box. Apologies to Hiro (above).
However, the fall season begins this week. And I am hunting for online treasures.
--But sir, why is this? Why are we only talking shows on the internet? Do you not own a television at your apartment?
(intervening question as blog-writing device? CHECK!)
--I do! Or my sister does. I live irregular hours, though. And it seems as if the apartment television is set aside for one channel only and that channel is Bravo. Which means I could converse with you reasonably about "Tim Gunn's Guide to Style" and ask questions of paradox such as "how can Top Chef advertise last night's show as being both a Season Finale and a Part 1?"
It's either a finale or it's not. Last night wasn't. GOODBYE BRIAN!
(I feel as if I am the only person on the planet cheering for Hung)
But other than that, I have no idea what to watch (except for Lost... which is still months away).
Can you help?
I tried three out yesterday - Heroes, Journeyman, and Friday Night Lights. Coincidentally, all three are hosted free and legally at the NBC mothership. Perhaps I should see what ABC is up to as well.
The verdict: Heroes is pure gold, Journeyman is not (for real - I could only watch five minutes), and I'm not sure about Friday Night Lights. I will give it another episode or two. But... what else should I be on the lookout for?
So, in advance - thanks for your help. This post is merely a late night snack in between Matt's latest coast to coast roast and Danny's delightful ------------ (IT'S A SECRET BUT YOU WILL LOVE IT). And thanks for stopping by - I feel this final video is a fitting gift from recording limbo:
Noni's Field - a new and unrecorded song that nearly all of you have heard before. Just close your eyes and pretend it's track five on the record (BECAUSE IT IS). Most likely.

Wow... we're already in Oregon. The treasure trove that is NW music overfloweth with righteousness. In order to make this happen, I've simplified things to a list. I'm drawn to the follow... a few of which I received by divine appointment while feastin' on some banana walnut pancakes at Earwax. A lush, textural jam floated from the diner's speakers. I was so into it that I asked our kind waitress... low and behold... t'was "A small local band from Portland called Talk Demonic." To which I responded, "This moment was meant to be." She gave a nervous smile, walked away scared and came back with the check. Opps.
Horse Feathers
The Blow
Talk Demonic
Upsidedown Cat
White Rainbow
Dark Yoga
Viva Voce
Yume Bitsu
Lips and Ribs
The Snuggle-Ups
The Beauty
Go outside or make banana walnut pancakes. Do something.
I can't really explain except we watched an entire episode today at the studio and we are not on drugs and in one hour we will be done tracking. Onward, mixing. Starting Friday.
This is a blog of unbalance and my last posts have been (solely) video-centric. You have my apologies, one hundred-fold, and thanks again (today's YO GABBA episode was on learning your please and thank you's) for stopping by. It's really nice that you do.
This is also a blog of unbalanced opinion shift. I am taking down adsense. I promise to never type another sentence about it again. And no, this has nothing to do with the comments section and my new friend "anonymous." I am just tired of thinking about it, never want to post another ironic picture involving "counting" and "money," and am ready to be done with the whole thing. The end.
I firmly believe, though, that this is also a blog of promise! And I promise that Dan's next post will make up for this past week's (however slight) debacle.
From new e-friend fenceswemended in the comments section:
Bizarre. Cute. Slightly unsettling.

More of the same.
And even more! But THAT'S what I was talking about! Aren't they sweet?
Finally, other new e-friend anonymous left this sage advice in the comments:
(I'm paraphrasing)
"How about keeping Adsense at the bottom of the page?""
Now that's not a bad idea. It's reasonable, it's sound, it's fair to all parties (blog attendee's that don't care for all things eyesore, blog writers that pick up loose change in the street when they see it).
I think we're going to try it! The Magical Curtain Experiment is back on!

I'd like to imagine he's cheering "Huzzah."
Okay, but really - I apologize for this post... I've brought nothing to the table today except videos, pictures, and other people's comments. And good cheer! But mostly the other three. What I can promise, though, is that Matt is working on the second installment of his coast to coast musical roadtrip. I'm eagerly awaiting Illinois (oooh! US! US!!!) and Montana (Hannah).
I think that really means I should go.
Bizarre. Cute. Slightly unsettling.

More of the same.
And even more! But THAT'S what I was talking about! Aren't they sweet?
Finally, other new e-friend anonymous left this sage advice in the comments:
(I'm paraphrasing)
"How about keeping Adsense at the bottom of the page?""
Now that's not a bad idea. It's reasonable, it's sound, it's fair to all parties (blog attendee's that don't care for all things eyesore, blog writers that pick up loose change in the street when they see it).
I think we're going to try it! The Magical Curtain Experiment is back on!

I'd like to imagine he's cheering "Huzzah."
Okay, but really - I apologize for this post... I've brought nothing to the table today except videos, pictures, and other people's comments. And good cheer! But mostly the other three. What I can promise, though, is that Matt is working on the second installment of his coast to coast musical roadtrip. I'm eagerly awaiting Illinois (oooh! US! US!!!) and Montana (Hannah).
I think that really means I should go.
See, that was easy.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down these curtains.
A general sense yesterday of "oh maaaaaaaaannnnnn..... ads?" An understandable sentiment and away they go, just as promised.
Although - to be truthful - I was expecting a little bit more out of our newfound anonymous friends in the comments.
The "booo. think." is a study in vague, biting online disapproval (if I'm reading it right... I can't be sure, though, that's the beauty of it), meanwhile the "sellouts" was probably our manager testing our resolve.
(except I'm so thin-skinned! and I wasn't sure if we had to give you 20% of the 41 cents we made yesterday)
Anyways. If I expect more out of you, I should expect more out of myself.
My best attempts as follows (with the help of your friend and mine, Mr. Disposition):
"but I came here for Anathallo, not AD-athallo!"
"I must have typed in the wrong address... why am I at youradsensemakesmegocrazy.blogspot.com?"
"adsense? more like lack of sense."
"mewithoutYou wouldn't have tried this."

You were trying to make train fare? Suckers!
If anyone wants another shot, it's all yours (anonymously or not) in the comments. I am hoping for (a) clever, (b) fairly clever, or (c) just plain awful.
Online vitriol will be met with emoticons that represent marked sadness.
So it turns out that our Web Log is not just of Enchantment but also Minor Controversy. I think that's healthy. And if that ad bothered you, just wait until!.... well no, nevermind. Not yet. :-) <--------marked happiness
In case you were worried, though, the four dimes a day we'll be throwing away were made up for by this phone call last night:
"Hey Bret, we have an extra ticket to see The National - wanna go?"
The band graciously allows me to exit the studio early.
We miss St. Vincent by ten minutes but that is okay because the tickets are free and there are still great seats to be found and soon enough The National take the stage.
These two songs made the night for me:
(this one, especially)
(I have no idea why Dave is carrying around the Lombardi trophy)
And that was that. A lovely, lovely evening.
If you've ever visited Threadless before but were overwhelmed by their abundance of shirts and thought to yourself "I just wish I had one designer to support... their site would be so much easier to navigate and I would buy everything with his name on it," I would vote for the one who was nice enough to call last night.
(or if you could only choose a single shirt of his, I would vote for the one that donates ten dollars from every sale to the Red Cross)
Okay. STUDIO TIME. And I have an ebay auction to win in eight hours! If I come through big time, I will show you my newest treasure. Currently, it is hovering below ten bucks. And it is beautiful.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down these curtains.
A general sense yesterday of "oh maaaaaaaaannnnnn..... ads?" An understandable sentiment and away they go, just as promised.
Although - to be truthful - I was expecting a little bit more out of our newfound anonymous friends in the comments.
The "booo. think." is a study in vague, biting online disapproval (if I'm reading it right... I can't be sure, though, that's the beauty of it), meanwhile the "sellouts" was probably our manager testing our resolve.
(except I'm so thin-skinned! and I wasn't sure if we had to give you 20% of the 41 cents we made yesterday)
Anyways. If I expect more out of you, I should expect more out of myself.
My best attempts as follows (with the help of your friend and mine, Mr. Disposition):
"but I came here for Anathallo, not AD-athallo!"
"I must have typed in the wrong address... why am I at youradsensemakesmegocrazy.blogspot.com?"
"adsense? more like lack of sense."
"mewithoutYou wouldn't have tried this."

You were trying to make train fare? Suckers!
If anyone wants another shot, it's all yours (anonymously or not) in the comments. I am hoping for (a) clever, (b) fairly clever, or (c) just plain awful.
Online vitriol will be met with emoticons that represent marked sadness.
So it turns out that our Web Log is not just of Enchantment but also Minor Controversy. I think that's healthy. And if that ad bothered you, just wait until!.... well no, nevermind. Not yet. :-) <--------marked happiness
In case you were worried, though, the four dimes a day we'll be throwing away were made up for by this phone call last night:
"Hey Bret, we have an extra ticket to see The National - wanna go?"
The band graciously allows me to exit the studio early.
We miss St. Vincent by ten minutes but that is okay because the tickets are free and there are still great seats to be found and soon enough The National take the stage.
These two songs made the night for me:
(this one, especially)
(I have no idea why Dave is carrying around the Lombardi trophy)
And that was that. A lovely, lovely evening.
If you've ever visited Threadless before but were overwhelmed by their abundance of shirts and thought to yourself "I just wish I had one designer to support... their site would be so much easier to navigate and I would buy everything with his name on it," I would vote for the one who was nice enough to call last night.
(or if you could only choose a single shirt of his, I would vote for the one that donates ten dollars from every sale to the Red Cross)
Okay. STUDIO TIME. And I have an ebay auction to win in eight hours! If I come through big time, I will show you my newest treasure. Currently, it is hovering below ten bucks. And it is beautiful.

Well. The contest is over. But Adam Bomb still knows the way to my heart.
These still make me so happy!... and this one is fantastic.
We look so earnest!
And now it's time for an experiment:
I don't know anything about Google AdSense. I've been working on different analogies in my head this past week to see how I feel about it. The closest I could come up with was.... You-Me-Go, in a way, is like our home. Right now, it's a pretty great place. We're starting to get our house in order. It seems that you like to come visit every so often (and hey, thanks for that!). With that in mind, what if some man in a suit walked up to my door and offered...
"Listen, I have these fairly ugly yet magical curtains that I'm giving away for free. Or they're not exactly ugly. You probably won't notice them most of the time... it's just that they're not what you would ever choose for yourself. Anyways, they're free and they magically make you a very small amount of money every month. What do you think?"
Would I put up those curtains? Would it be worth it if they paid for our train fare every month? Is this forbidden blog fruit?
I don't know!
It's just that every time I post, blogger sends their congratulations and then asks if I'm friends with Salesman AdSense.
So... I think we're going to try it for a week. If it's obtrusive or the ads are a bad weird, we can burn up the curtains and put back the old ones. Does that sound alright?
Leave sarcastic anonymous comments if it doesn't.
(no, seriously - that would be perfect)
And Mom and Dad, I don't think you're supposed to click the ads repeatedly. I think they catch onto you after awhile. So! I know you love me! And I have enough money to eat three square meals a day.

Ok Ok... so I'm still in California, big deal. I can't stop finding good music! Positive vibrations and free spirited creators abound much. I just have two things to add today... though I was reminded by like.a.cannon that the incredible spazz-math powerhouse knows as Tera Melos graces the west coast elbow... AND that a band whose name and sound have very little to do with one another (besides the attention to detail in the music) known as Subtle also dwell in the sunny state. However, neither of these are the bands I forgot to mention (making a total of four).

This is Barr. They live in LA. I like them alot. "The Song is the Single" is brilliant on at least 12 levels, probably hundreds. Check em out

This is Lucky Dragons. I don't know much about this music yet (other than that the whole "Dark Falcon" record is available for free download over here) but what I hear I really like.
Ok, I need to get on my Bike and kick it into high gear if I want to reach Oregon... err... the studio on time.

Brother MJ made a huge splash yesterday, both with the very beginnings of his coast to coast musical road trip (first stop: California!) and his late night ruminations on the film 300.
An alert and a confession:
The A: The links to all bands "Cali" have been fixed... so if you tried to visit WHY? yesterday and couldn't, click again! And if you didn't, well... this is your second chance.
The C: I really liked 300. I really, really liked 300. My bus ride home was pretty much one big Yours-Truly-As-King-Leonidas daydream.
ME - "Well, it looks like I'm off for tour!"
THE GIRLFRIEND - "Spartan. Come back with your shield... or on it."
ME - "You got it, dear."
**The camera pans as I turn to get into the van**
THE NARRATOR - "Goodbye my love" - He doesn't say it. There's no room for softness, not in Sparta. No place for weakness. Only the hard and strong may call themselves Spartans. Only the hard... only the strong.
**Music swells as I lean out the window and wave goodbye**
ME - "See ya! I'll call you tonight!"
And if you haven't caught the film yet, this ought to get you up to speed (in a less conventional way):
You can't tell me Golden Delicious wouldn't have pulled out the victory.
And now this post is about to spiral out of control.
Rembrandt Brown. Quinn Mallory. That one chick. Professor Maximillian Arturo.
They went to different dimensions! They met different versions of themselves! This happened every Friday night at eight o'clock. I was thirteen. It was perfect. What I wasn't expecting, though, was to receive my own trans-dimensional message from a concerned me yesterday (keep following, I promise this will work out).
From my inbox:
"Dear Bret, don't be alarmed. It's you! Or me! A fellow Bret from a parallel world - one in which, instead of joining a band, you built a failed anti-gravity device in your basement that unlocked a multitude of dimensions. I tumbled through a portal with a few of my friends and have been on this adventure since. I come here with a warning. The last Earth we visited had been rotating 22 more years than the Earth you or I are accustomed to. I took a video of the you we could become if left unchecked... it is not for the faint of heart."
Startled, I clicked play:
Well. I don't really think there's anything more to say.
As I go... this is for you, Tom:
We're back in the studio tomorrow! It's probably about time!
Is The American Dream A Discourse of Dominance?

"Matt, 2 posts in one day... really?" you ask.
"Yes!" I say, dominating the discourse. Sort of like... the movie 300 which I just watched. I'm not going to lie, I've enjoyed most of the films I've seen from a lessthanevenarmchair approach to cinematic arts. I'm not schooled in the art of film making, or film critique for that matter, and it's not one of my main interests. How else can I say this... how about, disclaimer: when it comes to film, I just like to be entertained. However, I found scary and bizarre themes in this film that made me think about cinema as a whole and, to be more specific, the genre of The Action Film. I rode my bike home from AlWaz's house and thought to myself (and aloud along the way) about the potential implications of the film. When I got home, I searched for reviews of 300 in google to see if I was just being snarky. Apparently I was not alone in being surprised by the film's overtly blind patriotism and questionable fascism. Now, some people raise a stink just to make it seem like they are thinking critically and we can all agree... that is annoying. At the least, it was fun to read some of the critique. I felt as though I were back in one of my ol' classes as CMU talking about deconstructionism. I don't really endorse this whole thing, but here's one of the more interesting findings (peoples' comments on the article are cool and informative too): BE OPEN. Aside from the meat of the film being pretty bunk in my book, I thought the aesthetics were entertaining and the shots were, at times, pretty incredible due to the fluid choreography sections.
I'm jis' sayin' watch what you eat
Love Matt

While bummed-out, tired, and immobilized by sickness I concocted a journey of non-physical sorts... a mental journey that will take extreme dedication and passionate pursuit... or neither, but nonetheless, I give you installment one of "Coast to Coast Musical Road Trip". Simple premise: a new state and musical discoveries therein every week. It's a humble exploration, and as such, please feel free to post other awesome findings in the comments section. Lets start with California.
Many of you already know that I love this Bay Area band, and who wouldn't? Texture, rhythmic dynamics, great melodies, and one heck of a live show... I really can't understand why the world isn't flipping out over the simple question. check it out
Half-Handed Cloud
Though the caption on his myspace page claims the project as "Tiny, scrappy investments in melody & arrangement", John Ringhofer is the man behind - what I would call - mini-masterpieces. His music refuses to leave my stereo... rightfully so. One minute I'm completely cracking up over a cartoon trombone slide and the next, lamenting in repentance with an early 80's omnichord angel... all throughout, marveling at the compelling arrangement and melodies that hum themselves in my brain for weeks at a time. Don't know what I'm talking about?check it out.
I don't know much about this guy, but I saw him perform with my friend Bill and a radical surprise known as Brenmar (which I'll hopefully talk about at length later) a few weeks ago at Ronnie's here in Chicago. I was sold on Bizzart once he called the audience into a screaming huddle overtop of a sparse floor tom. check it out
Xiu Xiu
As many have noted, the music of Xiu Xiu has a polarizing effect on nearly everyone that gives it a chance. My introduction to the world of Xiu was with the record La Foret, which really challenged me. There are a few moments of tangible (in the standard sense) melody, but otherwise, the project generally tends to point toward deconstruction. Sometimes the songs even seem to subvert their possible pop elements and obscure them intentionally to explore their potential territory more fully. That rules. You are constantly faced with a sense of the possible with Xiu Xiu. I found myself really digging the sounds on La Foret, which led to a love for the songs, which led to seeing them live... to this day it remains one of the most compelling performances I've ever seen. check it out
Woohoo! This stuff sounds great to me. The group features Nedelle of... well... Nedelle (and also Curtains). And Chris Cohen previously of Deerhoof and The Curtains. Not sure if the Curtains are still playing, but one thing that I do know is that Cryptacize has a new record coming out in 2008 and from the sounds of these two tracks, it's going to be pretty stinkin' righteous. They're heading out on tour pretty soon. Show some love! check it out
No Age
My friend Marah (props) turned me on to these L.A. folks. I'm really interested in the recording sound. I think the songs are really great and I'd love to see them live. check it out

And what a way to end the contest!! Micah Entrekin uses his powers for good and balances the final Anathallo As Acorns collection perfectly.
The colors, the realism, the slightly ominous tone. Very, very impressive!
Now these entries are like my children (correction, if I had any)... I can't pick a favorite.
But if I did favor some of my kids more than others (YOU KNOW I'M TEASING, BROWNSWORD), Micah would definitely be getting his fair share of allowance money.

What we've learned:
(1) I have a soft spot in my heart for all things photoshop.
(2) You all know your photoshop.
Another reason we're a match made in heaven.
Which can only mean:
(3) Even though ACORNATHALLO '08 has been closed (we only have so many guest lists! and so many guest posts!), feel free to send the occasional random image/art project/video to bret.wallin@gmail.com. Or find me on facebook like Devin did. It's easy and it's fun.
Thanks again to everyone who submitted their acorn pieces! We made You-Me-Go history together.
Studio update time? Kind of.
You see, we came back Monday to find that the make-your-vocals-sound-congested bug had come down hard on some of us over the weekend. And instead of trying to force our way through the last few tracks, we decided to shut things down for a little bit and jump back in on Friday.
(wait, why is Anathallo shilling for Vicks?)
(what's going on?)
It's... almost as if we had a special announcement to make in the next few weeks regarding Vicks VapoRub and Anathallo. And something to do with the album, too. But that's weird. I wonder what it could be.
Okay! Bye!
Don't miss Dan's video right below! Like, really. If you didn't visit YOU-ME-GO yesterday, you missed half a minute's worth of new album. It looks like we're giving away this stuff for free. Just scroll right on down!
Still, though, a sincere apology for the extra clicks I've brought upon your fingers with this post (or one click, finger savers, if you followed the above link).
No, wait.
I'll give it to you again.
It's just that after checking my inbox tonight, I felt I owed it to Adam Kassel to post his ACORNATHALLO rendering right away. Here, take a look yourself:

Isn't it WONDERFUL??!!!
I will admit that I am partial to the acorn playing the huge bass drum. I think he is quite dashing (and very enthused). The stone tree is dynamic as well and the red guitar is a nice touch! All in all, a spectacular showing as far as musical acorn scenes go and a welcome addition to our growing collection of bizarre show review inspired photoshop art. And if there are any more would-be internet champions out there, we still have room for one final admission.
Okay. I am pretty sure that this post is all exclamations, links, and capital letters. I'm sorry for posting half-asleep, friends.
Still, though, a sincere apology for the extra clicks I've brought upon your fingers with this post (or one click, finger savers, if you followed the above link).
No, wait.
I'll give it to you again.
It's just that after checking my inbox tonight, I felt I owed it to Adam Kassel to post his ACORNATHALLO rendering right away. Here, take a look yourself:

Isn't it WONDERFUL??!!!
I will admit that I am partial to the acorn playing the huge bass drum. I think he is quite dashing (and very enthused). The stone tree is dynamic as well and the red guitar is a nice touch! All in all, a spectacular showing as far as musical acorn scenes go and a welcome addition to our growing collection of bizarre show review inspired photoshop art. And if there are any more would-be internet champions out there, we still have room for one final admission.
Okay. I am pretty sure that this post is all exclamations, links, and capital letters. I'm sorry for posting half-asleep, friends.
Day ? - video update 2
Our friends Meg and Ethan came in last week and added a few touches to a couple songs.
I can't tell you how happy this makes me.
Sky Madsen, we will have a "butt-kicking good time going to get sandwiches."
Major (MAJOR) kudos to our new friend Derek Hoeksema aka Mr. Disposition. If you don't get the "Hi-C" reference, you're just not paying attention.
Keep these coming in, friends!
Intrepid reader KRISTIN BROWNSWORD sends in her photoshop entry from yesterday's predisposer masterpiece:

Ummmm.... well.....
She's requested her own guest post in the near future (done) and Anathallo's presence at her apartment for a homecooked meal sometime this month (and DONE).
With zero disrespect to YOU-ME-GO'S first ever internet champion... would anyone else care to take a shot? By no means is this contest closed. Both guest list and guest post prizes are still up for grabs. I want acorns! And acorn instruments! I want Anathallo likeness! Red-haired gangly acorns! Erica Froman acorns! A veritable bevy of multi-instrumentalist acorns!

That might be too much to ask.
We'll see.
---Studio update: Jamie just recorded two horn tracks, Erica is listening to her "Northern Lights" takes from Thursday night, and Danny might - maybe maybe maybe - have some videos ready to post soon from when we had our string players in last week.
Not a bad start to the weekend over here... hope you can say the same.

Ummmm.... well.....
She's requested her own guest post in the near future (done) and Anathallo's presence at her apartment for a homecooked meal sometime this month (and DONE).
With zero disrespect to YOU-ME-GO'S first ever internet champion... would anyone else care to take a shot? By no means is this contest closed. Both guest list and guest post prizes are still up for grabs. I want acorns! And acorn instruments! I want Anathallo likeness! Red-haired gangly acorns! Erica Froman acorns! A veritable bevy of multi-instrumentalist acorns!

That might be too much to ask.
We'll see.
---Studio update: Jamie just recorded two horn tracks, Erica is listening to her "Northern Lights" takes from Thursday night, and Danny might - maybe maybe maybe - have some videos ready to post soon from when we had our string players in last week.
Not a bad start to the weekend over here... hope you can say the same.

This doesn't happen often... but every once in a while a reviewer can take a band and validate their entire existence with just a few short keyboard strokes.
This is one of those times.
And that reviewer was not Pitchfork's Marc Hogan.
There's not really too much else to say except (a) the show review is from our last trip out west and (b) I added the pictures.

You enter the dark cave, in the middle of the wild forest, dressed in your best chain mail, bastard sword, and a trusty torch in hand. The air is cool on your cheek. In front of you is a large, rusted iron door, with a sign, written in the common merchant language, which says "9 GOLD DRAGONS TO PASS". Next to it is a scale.
-- if you put 9 gold dragons in the scale, continue with this review --

The scale creeks downwards, almost touching the floor, with a POOF of magic steam, the dragons disappear and the door swings suddenly open. You find yourself magically drawn inwards, deeper into the cave. You think you can see lights up ahead and the drip of water coming from somewhere. You loosen your bastard sword in its sheath behind your back and continue forward. As you round the first corner of the cave, you are surprised by Ghost & Liars (the better members from previous band Some By Sea, plus two random sailors, apparently, both sprouting impressive facial hair 1 + 2 ) who play what can only be described as a Some By Sea-lite set. "All these actors and actresses" + clapping.
-- if you wish to draw your bastard sword and continue on deeper into the cave, keep reading this review --

As you glance behind you, you notice that your footsteps are slowly disappearing into the growing darkness behind you, swallowed up by its many inky fingers. You grip your sword tighter and you shift your chain mail. In front of you, the lights and sounds of water are getting brighter and louder. The tunnel, however, is getting smaller and smaller. You squeeze around a tight corner and suddenly come face to trunk with a giant, stone oak tree, in the front of a huge cavern. Its stone branches seem to quiver as you step into the room and beneath the echoes of your footsteps, you think you can hear your name being called.
-- If you approach the stone tree, continue to read this review --
You hesitate for a moment and then approach the giant oak tree. There seems be an enscription on its great trunk. You move a little closer and can barely make out the word "Anathallo". Suddenly the ground shifts under your feet. You fall to your knees, as large, stone roots break through the stone ground and wrap themselves around your legs and arms. You are unable to move and must stare in horror as, from the top of the stone oak tree, eight brightly colored acorns begin to roll and bounce towards your trapped body. Their every bounce sends a bass note pounding through your guts. and as they gain speed, they seem to emit a high, harmonized pitch (something around a high C). All eight acorns suddenly come to a stop, directly in front of your watering eyes. They regard each other and yourself and bring out their tiny acorn guitars, trumpets, keyboards and percussion equipment. They bounce and squeal, shake and twist, then harmonize. Such sweet harmonizing! You think you can't stand it! Your eyes are watering, your ears feel tight against your brain. You can't feel your legs or your body. The acorns charm you with witty banter about their studio time and how at home you make them feel, playing in front of you in this dark cave. They seem to play forever, but you have no concept of how much time has passed. Suddenly, they bounce a few last bass notes, and magically disappear! All of a sudden you find yourself on your back, outside the cave. Shaking the sleep out of your eyes, you stand and look around. The acorns and the cave are nowhere to be seen.
Now, I don't know anything about photoshop - but if any astute readers can create anything close to that last image... I'm talking guest post on whatever you'd like. I'm talking guest list at the next show. You name it. All I want to see in my lifetime is an acorn with an acorn guitar bouncing and squealing in front of a stone tree. Is that too much to ask? Send all photos to bret.wallin@gmail.com. All entries are winners! (within reason)
Please and thanks.
(and no, I HAVEN'T forgotten about the last prize from our last contest - don't worry unannounced friend, your tribute post and date with my sister are still on the way)
Oh, and the proof? Here's the entire review of last May's show from predisposer. Enjoy!
P.S. Show tonight at the Metro, doors are at six. SEE YOU?
A serious shift for the you-me-go blog today... and then it will be back to our regularly scheduled program.
(although it would appear that yesterday's program consisted of a two-legged horse)
The band "Anathallo" that was formed in the fall of 2000 was a collection of small town teenagers ranging from eighteen to sixteen years old. I was one of them... and there was no thought then to the amount of memories, friends, and travel that would follow as a result of piecing together songs in the Joynt family's basement. We just wanted our first show to go off without a hitch. That was more than enough to keep us occupied.
There was no thought given then, either - and how could we? - to the unknown faces that we had yet to meet, the deep friendships that would come in the form of future additions to the band. And similarly, how could anyone in that basement have known what it would feel like to share so many of those same memories, friends, and travel... and then part ways with one of us.
Ty Forquer, Glenn King, Kevin Greenlees, Nate Sandberg, Joel Thiele, and now Andrew Dost.
As first mentioned on buzzgrinder (kudos to you, story breakers) and just recently noticed by brooklyn vegan, Andrew has left the band and is now pursuing his own (wonderfully promising) solo career.
I think that after seven years you realize that music parts can be replaced but never a person. Never ever a person.
I first met Andrew at freshman orientation on the campus of Central Michigan University. We eventually became dorm-sharers, bandmates, intermural sport teammates, apartment-renters, and van travellers. When he joined the band, Anathallo was in disarray. Jamie had just taken his leave and Nate was planning on getting married. Our winter tour two months previous had featured a horn section of one. What Andrew brought was desperately needed stability and a wealth of talent. Pianist, vocalist, percussionist, and flugelhorn player; he helped navigate the band's transition from "college students who tour on their school breaks" to "let's see if we can be a real band."
It pays my rent now. That was as real as any of us had ever hoped.
This isn't a blog of drama. I know when I read stories about other bands and members leaving, I always want to know the whole story. You're the reader right now. I'm sure you're experiencing the same feeling. Of how's, what's, where's, when's, and why's... I think I've only covered the what. The band and Andrew parted ways this past summer and we both agreed a huge announcement wasn't needed from either side (that's the when, if you're keeping score). It just didn't seem to be either of our styles to go about it any other way. Only when stories started showing up (and understandably so) did it seem like the right time to sit down and pound this out on my keyboard.
I think everyone involved would agree... that this outcome has been for the best. Andrew just finished a tour with The Format and is currently travelling and playing his own songs. We spent the rest of the summer finishing the new album and are working to record it. That doesn't cover a how, where, or why so much - but maybe that's alright and you understand. Hopefully it's enough to know that we all feel that things have worked themselves out for the good of everyone involved.
Thanks for reading through all of this. I know this was a you-me-go departure... no random pictures today, but here:

This is from one of the best nights I can remember. It was Jer's first northern winter and a few of us went to visit Andrew's home in Beulah, Michigan. We caught snowflakes and laughed and laughed and laughed.
Finally, the youtube hound in me (so aptly put by Isaac at ...and God rock us, everyone) found this song from The Cotton Jones Basket Ride.
For any Michigan readers, I highly encourage you to head out and catch both Andrew and his above tourmates in Ann Arbor tonight.
Thanks again. More studio updates to come in the following days. Just a reminder, though, that Dan has been posting pictures daily on his flickr.
(although it would appear that yesterday's program consisted of a two-legged horse)
The band "Anathallo" that was formed in the fall of 2000 was a collection of small town teenagers ranging from eighteen to sixteen years old. I was one of them... and there was no thought then to the amount of memories, friends, and travel that would follow as a result of piecing together songs in the Joynt family's basement. We just wanted our first show to go off without a hitch. That was more than enough to keep us occupied.
There was no thought given then, either - and how could we? - to the unknown faces that we had yet to meet, the deep friendships that would come in the form of future additions to the band. And similarly, how could anyone in that basement have known what it would feel like to share so many of those same memories, friends, and travel... and then part ways with one of us.
Ty Forquer, Glenn King, Kevin Greenlees, Nate Sandberg, Joel Thiele, and now Andrew Dost.
As first mentioned on buzzgrinder (kudos to you, story breakers) and just recently noticed by brooklyn vegan, Andrew has left the band and is now pursuing his own (wonderfully promising) solo career.
I think that after seven years you realize that music parts can be replaced but never a person. Never ever a person.
I first met Andrew at freshman orientation on the campus of Central Michigan University. We eventually became dorm-sharers, bandmates, intermural sport teammates, apartment-renters, and van travellers. When he joined the band, Anathallo was in disarray. Jamie had just taken his leave and Nate was planning on getting married. Our winter tour two months previous had featured a horn section of one. What Andrew brought was desperately needed stability and a wealth of talent. Pianist, vocalist, percussionist, and flugelhorn player; he helped navigate the band's transition from "college students who tour on their school breaks" to "let's see if we can be a real band."
It pays my rent now. That was as real as any of us had ever hoped.
This isn't a blog of drama. I know when I read stories about other bands and members leaving, I always want to know the whole story. You're the reader right now. I'm sure you're experiencing the same feeling. Of how's, what's, where's, when's, and why's... I think I've only covered the what. The band and Andrew parted ways this past summer and we both agreed a huge announcement wasn't needed from either side (that's the when, if you're keeping score). It just didn't seem to be either of our styles to go about it any other way. Only when stories started showing up (and understandably so) did it seem like the right time to sit down and pound this out on my keyboard.
I think everyone involved would agree... that this outcome has been for the best. Andrew just finished a tour with The Format and is currently travelling and playing his own songs. We spent the rest of the summer finishing the new album and are working to record it. That doesn't cover a how, where, or why so much - but maybe that's alright and you understand. Hopefully it's enough to know that we all feel that things have worked themselves out for the good of everyone involved.
Thanks for reading through all of this. I know this was a you-me-go departure... no random pictures today, but here:

This is from one of the best nights I can remember. It was Jer's first northern winter and a few of us went to visit Andrew's home in Beulah, Michigan. We caught snowflakes and laughed and laughed and laughed.
Finally, the youtube hound in me (so aptly put by Isaac at ...and God rock us, everyone) found this song from The Cotton Jones Basket Ride.
For any Michigan readers, I highly encourage you to head out and catch both Andrew and his above tourmates in Ann Arbor tonight.
Thanks again. More studio updates to come in the following days. Just a reminder, though, that Dan has been posting pictures daily on his flickr.
This is going to be quick because I need to jump on my bike soon and pedal my little heart out. We're recording the bell song today. It has changed a bit from a couple months ago.
But. That is not why I post this morning.
You-Me-Goers... can I tell you how I feel?
You are all absolutely wonderful. It's true!
You put up with football pictures.

(last one, I swear it)
You don't hold me to the empty promises I make when I told you OUR FIRST CONTEST WINNER! would be revealed soon or that You-Me-Go's latest endeavour HE BLINDED ME WITH SCIENCE: A CONVERSATION WITH JESSE LACEY would be posted last week.

(they're both on their way, you better believe it)
I even posted a video about Britney Spears and that didn't seem to drive anyone away.
(don't go!!! PLEASE!)
(but just saying - it would appear that COMEBACK 07 ought to be put on indefinite hold)
So for all the special people in my e-life... I wanted to give something back. The comment section has held the nicest messages lately and I thought you all deserved the best. So here goes.
A secret... we've been in the studio before. Crazy, I know. But when we were little teenage pre-thallians... Matt, Jamie and I were in a band called The Kind of Guys. TKOG, if you will. Punk with Horns from Mount Pleasant, Michigan. You should probably take a listen.
(I apologize - I only had the forty second clip on my computer!)
And equally as fantastic... Matt, Danny, and Erica were in a band called Promise of Restoration. That would be Erica's sister doing the screaming.
But. That is not why I post this morning.
You-Me-Goers... can I tell you how I feel?
You are all absolutely wonderful. It's true!
You put up with football pictures.

(last one, I swear it)
You don't hold me to the empty promises I make when I told you OUR FIRST CONTEST WINNER! would be revealed soon or that You-Me-Go's latest endeavour HE BLINDED ME WITH SCIENCE: A CONVERSATION WITH JESSE LACEY would be posted last week.

(they're both on their way, you better believe it)
I even posted a video about Britney Spears and that didn't seem to drive anyone away.
(don't go!!! PLEASE!)
(but just saying - it would appear that COMEBACK 07 ought to be put on indefinite hold)
So for all the special people in my e-life... I wanted to give something back. The comment section has held the nicest messages lately and I thought you all deserved the best. So here goes.
A secret... we've been in the studio before. Crazy, I know. But when we were little teenage pre-thallians... Matt, Jamie and I were in a band called The Kind of Guys. TKOG, if you will. Punk with Horns from Mount Pleasant, Michigan. You should probably take a listen.
(I apologize - I only had the forty second clip on my computer!)
And equally as fantastic... Matt, Danny, and Erica were in a band called Promise of Restoration. That would be Erica's sister doing the screaming.
...it has.
That's just about the coolest thing ever.
That's just about the coolest thing ever.
"Anathallo is working on a new album."
That was the sentence that AbsolutePunk posted yesterday on their Music Mends Broken Hearts empire. It's a lovely sentence, no? Succinct and powerful.
It's also the sentence that quadrupled our blog hits yesterday.
I feel an introduction is long overdue! (No, seriously - we had a Labor Day picnic in the park yesterday and I had no idea this was happening... there would have been so many more strange pictures and random videos left waiting if I had known we had so many new guests coming through the door.)
The following are facts as presented in the form of a cordial greeting.
Hello! We are Anathallo.

You are visiting our Internet Web Log of Charm. The long winded title of this electronic outpost still remains "Your Happy Makes Me Go Oldies." However, its multi-syllabic nature does little to impress at dinner parties. Hence, the YOU-ME-GO turn this site has taken! Welcome.
The great news: we are recording a new album right now. There are a handful of updates towards the middle of the page for your perusal - start in the blog archive at "Day 1" and make your way up! We plan on having our ten songs finished by mid-October and that will be just in time for us to take the record to The Land Where Dreams Come True aka the CMJ Music Marathon and Film Festival. There we'll see if any labels are interested in becoming our very best friends and showering us with gifts (namely, better distribution and the means with which to send my great grandkids to college).

If not, then we'll probably be headed for a fairly early 2008 self-release through Artist Friendship. Both sound pretty good to us, actually.
The not so terrible news : as you read this, we are taking a short break from the studio. You can see this isn't terrible news but it does make for slightly awful timing. What updates can I surprise you with until this weekend? What presents can you unwrap that won't leave you slightly disinterested? Well here, let me start.
For fans of Phil Collins, gorillas, and Cadbury's Dairy Milk:
I think it is every writer's temptation to post something and then insist that it be watched more than once. Perhaps you will trust me, though, when I say the video is better the second time around. And quite possibly the third time.
Also: for those of you unitiated to the ways of YOU-ME-GO. This all... is fairly random. Matt posted very early on that the blog is our puppy and we plan on feeding it whatever we want. Done and done.
And done:
(alright - I have no idea)
There is also a fairly delicate balance that we've been trying to achieve lately. You probably came here not wanting so much to know about Phil Collins-inspired gorillas and leprechaun sightings in the south. It's more than likely that you saw the word "Anathallo" and clicked. In some way, you'd like to know what we're up to.... which means we shouldn't ALWAYS trap our reader friends with the utterly random and inane (see: Britney Spears and my last post). Like I said, this is a blog of charm.
And really, what could be more charming than Anathalloween? With no real studio news to give at the moment, we're dipping back into the GREATEST HITS VAULT CIRCA 2006:
It strikes me that this post could be teetering on the brink of youtube overload. I'm going to take a step back - there's still one more clip I want to share and it's self-indulgent (i.e. SPORTS RELATED) - so we'll wait until the very end for your last video treasure.
THE HASTILY WRITTEN WEEKEND UPDATE: we were able to see both our friends The Format and Brand New play over the weekend. We all share the same management and that made for fun times and free shows. Andrew Dost is on tour right now playing flugal horn for The Format and he will be playing some spectacular solo shows soon (alliteration please).

shown: Andrew Dost with fan
You can click here for more details and Christopher Columbus related-tunes.
In a shameless attempt to get you to come back later this week, I will share this: my girlfriend and I had a thoroughly wonderful conversation with Jesse Lacey on Sunday (ALL TOGETHER NOW: OMG). We talked about science and the universe. I will put up the highlights soon. I will say this, though - I was having trouble keeping up. This blog has talked cats that can predict death and scientists that have solved checkers and they were no match.
If you don't like sports (particularly football), this post just probably ended for you. I'm not even going to attempt to describe what happens in the video. However. Repeated physical feats of greatness, I feel, are few and far between... and in this case, I could not care less that what you're about to witness (IF YOU SO CHOOSE) occured in high school. Sam McGuffie is probably in class right now. That doesn't change how I feel about the moment with 2:15 left below.
Football as inspiration. Perhaps.
Either way, though, thanks for stopping by. And if you've made it this far, maybe you'll think about coming back. To the rest of the YOU-ME-GO faithful, thanks as always. Perhaps this is also a blog of gratitude.
That was the sentence that AbsolutePunk posted yesterday on their Music Mends Broken Hearts empire. It's a lovely sentence, no? Succinct and powerful.
It's also the sentence that quadrupled our blog hits yesterday.
I feel an introduction is long overdue! (No, seriously - we had a Labor Day picnic in the park yesterday and I had no idea this was happening... there would have been so many more strange pictures and random videos left waiting if I had known we had so many new guests coming through the door.)
The following are facts as presented in the form of a cordial greeting.
Hello! We are Anathallo.

You are visiting our Internet Web Log of Charm. The long winded title of this electronic outpost still remains "Your Happy Makes Me Go Oldies." However, its multi-syllabic nature does little to impress at dinner parties. Hence, the YOU-ME-GO turn this site has taken! Welcome.
The great news: we are recording a new album right now. There are a handful of updates towards the middle of the page for your perusal - start in the blog archive at "Day 1" and make your way up! We plan on having our ten songs finished by mid-October and that will be just in time for us to take the record to The Land Where Dreams Come True aka the CMJ Music Marathon and Film Festival. There we'll see if any labels are interested in becoming our very best friends and showering us with gifts (namely, better distribution and the means with which to send my great grandkids to college).

If not, then we'll probably be headed for a fairly early 2008 self-release through Artist Friendship. Both sound pretty good to us, actually.
The not so terrible news : as you read this, we are taking a short break from the studio. You can see this isn't terrible news but it does make for slightly awful timing. What updates can I surprise you with until this weekend? What presents can you unwrap that won't leave you slightly disinterested? Well here, let me start.
For fans of Phil Collins, gorillas, and Cadbury's Dairy Milk:
I think it is every writer's temptation to post something and then insist that it be watched more than once. Perhaps you will trust me, though, when I say the video is better the second time around. And quite possibly the third time.
Also: for those of you unitiated to the ways of YOU-ME-GO. This all... is fairly random. Matt posted very early on that the blog is our puppy and we plan on feeding it whatever we want. Done and done.
And done:
(alright - I have no idea)
There is also a fairly delicate balance that we've been trying to achieve lately. You probably came here not wanting so much to know about Phil Collins-inspired gorillas and leprechaun sightings in the south. It's more than likely that you saw the word "Anathallo" and clicked. In some way, you'd like to know what we're up to.... which means we shouldn't ALWAYS trap our reader friends with the utterly random and inane (see: Britney Spears and my last post). Like I said, this is a blog of charm.
And really, what could be more charming than Anathalloween? With no real studio news to give at the moment, we're dipping back into the GREATEST HITS VAULT CIRCA 2006:
It strikes me that this post could be teetering on the brink of youtube overload. I'm going to take a step back - there's still one more clip I want to share and it's self-indulgent (i.e. SPORTS RELATED) - so we'll wait until the very end for your last video treasure.
THE HASTILY WRITTEN WEEKEND UPDATE: we were able to see both our friends The Format and Brand New play over the weekend. We all share the same management and that made for fun times and free shows. Andrew Dost is on tour right now playing flugal horn for The Format and he will be playing some spectacular solo shows soon (alliteration please).

shown: Andrew Dost with fan
You can click here for more details and Christopher Columbus related-tunes.
In a shameless attempt to get you to come back later this week, I will share this: my girlfriend and I had a thoroughly wonderful conversation with Jesse Lacey on Sunday (ALL TOGETHER NOW: OMG). We talked about science and the universe. I will put up the highlights soon. I will say this, though - I was having trouble keeping up. This blog has talked cats that can predict death and scientists that have solved checkers and they were no match.
If you don't like sports (particularly football), this post just probably ended for you. I'm not even going to attempt to describe what happens in the video. However. Repeated physical feats of greatness, I feel, are few and far between... and in this case, I could not care less that what you're about to witness (IF YOU SO CHOOSE) occured in high school. Sam McGuffie is probably in class right now. That doesn't change how I feel about the moment with 2:15 left below.
Football as inspiration. Perhaps.
Either way, though, thanks for stopping by. And if you've made it this far, maybe you'll think about coming back. To the rest of the YOU-ME-GO faithful, thanks as always. Perhaps this is also a blog of gratitude.
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